Ash Canyon & Ramsey Canyon - July 28, 2024

Not really into it this day, I stayed at Ash Canyon only for a short while, then drove around the neighborhood in lower Ramsey Canyon. At Ash Canyon, I took a few photos of hummingbirds, then left just as other birds were coming in. I visited the Ramsey Canyon neighborhood, since I usually see hawks in that area. This was no exception, as I saw three hawks in short order. Unfortunately, the Gray Hawk flew directly over the car and I was unable to get a photo. The others were very cooperative, however. Two Roadrunners made an appearance, as well. Flame Skimmer Dragonfly Anna's (M) Anna's (F) Brown-headed Cowbird (M) Cactus Wren Sage Gambel's Quail (F) Gambel's Quail with chicks Cassin's Kingbird Lesser Goldfinch (F) Greater Roadrunner Greater Roadrunner Vermilion Flycatcher (M) Red-tailed Hawk Swainson's Hawk