
Showing posts from July, 2024

Ash Canyon & Ramsey Canyon - July 28, 2024

 Not really into it this day, I stayed at Ash Canyon only for a short while, then drove around the neighborhood in lower Ramsey Canyon.  At Ash Canyon, I took a few photos of hummingbirds, then left just as other birds were coming in.  I visited the Ramsey Canyon neighborhood, since I usually see hawks in that area.  This was no exception, as I saw three hawks in short order.  Unfortunately, the Gray Hawk flew directly over the car and I was unable to get a photo.  The others were very cooperative, however.  Two Roadrunners made an appearance, as well. Flame Skimmer Dragonfly Anna's (M) Anna's (F) Brown-headed Cowbird (M) Cactus Wren Sage Gambel's Quail (F) Gambel's Quail with chicks Cassin's Kingbird Lesser Goldfinch (F) Greater Roadrunner Greater Roadrunner Vermilion Flycatcher (M) Red-tailed Hawk Swainson's Hawk

Ash Canyon - July 23, 2024

 Some minor surgery on my left hand made it difficult to hold the camera, so I hunkered down at home for several days before returning to Ash Canyon.  While hummingbirds are still relatively scarce there, I did get a nice variety of other birds.  It was particularly interesting when a Curve-billed Thrasher dug a hole in a flower bed only a few feet from where I was sitting and began fluffing its feathers and wallowing in the hole, occasionally scratching out more dirt.  After a few minutes, the bird left and did a little foraging under a feeder, then returned to the hole and wallowed some more.  The expression on its face was one of pure unadulterated joy.  I've never seen such behavior from a bird, especially one that always looks so stern. Here are the photos of more normal activity.  One of my favorite birds, the Cactus Wren, gave me lots of poses while hopping all around.  I like the one where it goes diving in the brush pile, spreading its tailfeathers at the same time. Anna&#

Ash Canyon - July 15, 2024

 Not many photos from this outing, and I haven't been out since.  I do think the opportunities will improve soon. Anna's (M) House Finch (M) House Finch (F) Cassin's Kingbird Cassin's Kingbird Bullock's Oriole (F) Brown-headed Cowbird (M) Mexican Jay House Finch (M) Black-headed Grosbeak (M) Lark Sparrow Phainopepla (M)

Ash Canyon, AZ - July 12, 2024

 Before heading to Ash Canyon, I snapped a couple photos in my back yard. Hooded Oriole (F) House Sparrow (M) The first thing I noticed at the bird sanctuary was that all the Sacred Datura plants (and there are lots of them) were in bloom.  Considered by many to be a weed, they are in fact poisonous if eaten and can affect those with sensitive skin that contacts the leaves.  Despite that, I have long admired their beautiful blooms.   But, I was there for the birds, and there were some around. White-winged Dove House Finch (F) House Finch (M) Lesser Goldfinch (M) Lesser Goldfinch (F) Brown-headed Cowbird (M) Blue Grosbeak (M) Phainopepla (M) Phainopepla (F) Anna's (M) While I don't often photograph the deer, I liked the pose of this one.