San Pedro House - December 28, 2023
After a week of being stuck inside, I was more than ready to go out and photograph birds. Since Ash Canyon Bird Sanctuary is closed on Thursday mornings, I went to San Pedro House only seven miles from home. There were a great many birds there, but not many species. In particular, there were a gazillion female Red-winged Blackbirds, but no males. I don't recall ever seeing this species at Ash Canyon, although I'm not sure why. This location always has an abundance of White-crowned Sparrows, including some juveniles. A cooperative male Northern Cardinal showed off his color. A Canyon Towhee and an Abert's Towhee were there, also. You have to look closely to tell these two apart. Both male and female Pyrrhuloxia posed nicely for me. The females can be hard to distunguish from their cousins the female Northern Cardinal. Both male and female Gila Woodpeckers made an appearance, but I only got shots of the female. House Finches seem to ...