Ash Canyon - December 15, 2023

 Things are still pretty slow at the local birding spots, but it's still fun to socialize while watching the birds that do show up.  The numbers are good, just not the number of different species.  In particular, most of the hummingbirds have gone farther south, leaving those few that stay here year round.  While the climate here is generally good, lows mostly in the 40s so far, there have been a couple of mornings with lows of 32 F.  Brrrrr.  Even the birds that are here tend to hunker down until later in the day to avoid the really cold mornings.

House Finch (M)

House Finch (F)

White-winged Dove

White-winged Dove

Acorn Woodpecker
Northern Cardinal (F)

Northern Cardinal (F) & White-throated Sparrow

Northern Cardinal (F) & White-throated Sparrow

Pine Siskin

Pyrrhuloxia (M)

Pyrrhuloxia (M)

Bewick's Wren

Lesser Goldfinches (F & M)

Lesser Goldfinch (M)

Lesser Goldfinch (F)

Yellow-rumped Warbler (F)

White-crowned Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow (J)

Red-tailed Hawk


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