Ash Canyon, Parker Canyon Lake & Sonoita - December 18 & 21, 2023

 It was another slow morning at Ash Canyon, so I didn't hang around for long.  To make matters worse, two ladies arrived and sat next to me, chattering constantly and disturbing the birds.  Occasionally, the chatter would be interrupted by a loud cough from one of the ladies.  When that happened, all the birds flew away and didn't return for 5-10 minutes.  I finally gave up and left.

Mexican Jay

Mexican Jay

House Finch (M)

House Finch (F)

Canyon Towhee

White-winged Doves

Curve-billed Thrasher

Orange-crowned Warbler

Acorn Woodpecker

Pyrrhuloxia (M)

Lesser Goldfinch (M)

Hearing reports of waterfowl at Parker Canyon Lake, I made the beautiful drive through the mountains to check it out.  Taking the shortest route, through Fort Huachuca Army Base, the trip took an hour.  At the lake, many of the ducks were on the far side, out of range, but I did find a cove where several opportunities were waiting.

American Coot

Mallard (M)

Gadwall (M)

Gadwall (F)

Hooded Merganser (M)

Hooded Merganser (F)

Pied-bill Grebe

Eared Merganser (J)

Common Grackle (M)

Red-tailed Hawk


On the way home, I made a quick pass by Curly Horse Lane in Sonoita.  It was late in the morning, so I didn't expect much, and my expectation was met.  There were several species still active, but I only got photos of two.

Vesper Sparrow

Horned Lark (M)


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