No, I haven't found a way to turn back time. Well, maybe I did, in a way. Given that my failed hard drive could not be repaired, and my local repair man was unable to recover data from it, I was left to my own devices (so to speak). I went back to the SD card in the camera and applied some software magic purchased (for a month) to recover the data there, which I had made sure would not be over written. Bottom line, I recovered all the photos I had lost, plus some. A little effort viewing and selecting those for further processing, and I was back where I left off.
There were two reasons I wanted to recover the lost files: one was an Anna's Hummingbird with a beautiful gorget; another was a Sharp-shinned Hawk that paid me a visit perched on a branch about thirty feet away. I'll start with the hawk, almost a smaller version of a Cooper's Hawk, but with some subtle differences in terms of features. My on-line resource says the male is the size of a Dove. This one was larger, so I believe it is female.
The Anna's would visit a nearby feeder, never giving me a chance to photograph it in the air. However, it would then perch in a small tree and stay there long enough for a few shots.
The rest of the day's activity was pretty much routine, as it has been for several weeks now. With a cold snap headed our way, I will probably stay indoors for the next few days.
Northern Mockingbird
Mourning Dove
Mexican Jay
White-crowned Sparrow
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White-crowned Sparrow ()
Chipping Sparrow
Curve-billed Thrasher
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Pyrrhuloxia (F)
Inca Dove
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