For a change, I decided to visit San Pedro House and arrived before 7 am. Apparently this was too early because there were almost no birds around, particularly none around the feeders. Obviously, the volunteers had not yet arrived to put out the feed that brings in the birds. It's clear the birds are smarter than I am. So, I could either wait a while or go elsewhere. Since I was wearing only shorts and a tee-shirt, and the wind was somewhat chilly at 59 F, I decided to go to Ramsey Canyon. Along the way, I explored a couple side roads and found a few birds willing to pose.
Northern Mockingbird
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House Finch (F)
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Scott's Oriole (F)
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Red-tailed Hawk
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Red-tailed Hawk |
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Pyrrhuloxia (M)
American Kestrel
At the Ramsey Canyon bird sanctuary, I was surprised to learn there are only a couple hummingbird feeders in front of the office, where there used to be several more. This is the area where I normally hang out, since I have trouble walking the steep trails beyond the office. I'm guessing they want to encourage people to go through the office and pay the fee, and I understand completely why they would do so. Why give the product away free? Anyway, I got a few photos and then drove some of the side roads within the canyon and managed more sightings. All in all, it was a successful trip.
White-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch |
Western Wood Peewee
Berylline Hummingbird
Gray Flycatcher
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Bullock's Oriole (M)
Cassin's Kingbird |
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House Sparrow (F)
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House Finch (M)
Thistle |
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