Ash Canyon - June 18, 2024
Lots of different species at the sanctuary today, including a lifer for me. The Varied Bunting is a beautiful, colorful bird that I missed last year but heard about after he left. I wish he had posed somewhere other than the feeder, but I'm still happy to have those photos. Bullock's Oriole (M) Bewick's Wren Lucy's Warbler (F) Scott's Oriole (F) Anna's (F) Broad-billed (M) House Finch (F) White-breasted Nuthatch Bridled Titmouse Blue Grosbeak (M) Lucifer (M) Bronzed Cowbird (M) Brown-headed Cowbird (M) House Finch (M) Varied Bunting (M) Varied Bunting (M) Verdin Bullock's Oriole (F) Canyon Towhee Black-headed Grosbeak (F) Black-headed Grosbeak (M) Anna's (M)