Since there was so little activity near home, I made a little day trip to Willcox. You may recall that Willcox is one of the places where sandhill cranes and snow geese hang out for the winter, and other species can also be found. While there are large numbers of sandhills, in the thousands actually, the place is so large that the birds are able to keep a big distance from spectators. Even with an 800mm lens, it is difficult to get sharp photos from so far away. The guys with $16,000 lenses can do better, but I will settle for these.
Circling the lake, there are mountains in every direction, and today there were interesting clouds over each mountain range. If it looks like the lake is tilted in some shots, it's because of the perspective caused by the circular lake. The camera is actually level for these photos.
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American Wigeon (M)
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American Wigeon (F) |
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Northern Shoveler (M)
American Kestrel
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House Finch (F)
American Coot
American Coot |
Western Meadowlark
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