We're still waiting for migrating birds to return, which should happen within a couple weeks. In addition to the regulars, however, I had the good fortune to see one Montezuma Quail. He stayed hidden in bushes most of the time, but finally made a brief appearance, allowing me to get a couple quick photos. You would be surprised how many birders show up hoping to see this rare and elusive bird, but many never do.
Then, on the way home, I drove by a place in Hereford known to have Scaled Quail, which I had never seen. Well, there were a few of them there, but scurrying away from me and toward the sun. My photos aren't great, but I'm pleased to have them at all, and I'll keep trying for a better photo op.
Acorn Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker |
Mexican Jay
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House Finch (M)
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House Finch (M) |
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Lesser Goldfinch (M)
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Lesser Goldfinch (F) |
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Lesser Goldfinch (F) |
Lincoln's Sparrow
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Pyrrhuloxia (M)
Yellow-rumped Warbler
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Montezuma Quail (M)
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Montezuma Quail (M) |
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Scaled Quail (M)
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Scaled Quail (M) |
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