Ramsey Canyon - September 7, 2023

 I hope you're not tired of hummingbird photos, because that's been my mainstay throughout August and September.  This is the hummingbird migration season for those that spent the summer here or parts north, when many of them return to Mexico or even farther south for the winter.  Adult Rufous hummingbirds have mostly departed already, leaving the females and juvenile males to follow later.  I really like the Rufous birds, not only because of their attractive colors, but because they are very cooperative for photography.  This batch may have both females and immature males, it's very difficult to tell them apart and it really doesn't matter.

The Black-chinned males have a beautiful purple gorget, but only in the right light.  Otherwise, it appears to be black.

 The male Anna's hummingbirds have a bright red gorget and crown, but the immature males haven't fully developed those colors.  The females will eventually have a colorful gorget, but not the crown.

Broad-billed females are rather drab compered to their male counterparts.  Foe some reason, I didn't get photos of any males this day.

A few songbirds did show up for their photo session.

Bridled Titmouse

White-breasted Nuthatch

This Western Kingbird is enjoying a delicious snack.
Western Kingbird

Phainopepla (M)



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