
Showing posts from February, 2025

Ash Canyon - February 24, 20255

 It was a pleasant morning in the canyon, but the only folks there were the volunteers.  Tim is away in Texas looking for "lifers", and spring migration still hasn't gotten underway.  You are probably tired of seeing the same old birds, just as I am.  Still, I'm not going to complain about a chance to get outdoors and enjoy nature. Acorn Woodpecker (M) Acorn Woodpecker (F) House Finch (M) House Finch (F) Mexican Jay Lesser Goldfinch (M) Lesser Goldfinch (F) Pine Siskin Anna's (J) Orange-crowned Warbler Red-tailed Hawk White-throated Sparrow White-winged Dove Inca Dove White-crowned Sparrow Curve-billed Thrasher Canyon Towhee  

Ash Canyon - February 18, 2025

 When I left home, it was 50 degrees, sunny and calm...the start of a beautiful day.  In Ash Canyon, the temp was about the same, but a chill wind made it feel much cooler.  Sitting in the shade with the wind blowing was uncomfortably cold, so I only stayed an hour.  What's worse, the birds are still the ones that have stayed all winter, spring migration is still a few weeks away. Yellow-rumped Warbler Anna's (J) Lesser Goldfinch (M) Lesser Goldfinch (F) Orange-crowned Warbler Mexican Jay Curve-billed Thrasher White-winged Dove Mourning Dove White-crowned Sparrow House Finch (M)  

Ash Canyon February 7, 2025

 I went a full month without birding, then made it to Ash Canyon twice in five days.  That's the result of having beautiful weather, rather than the cold we experienced through much of January.  While the birds were less plentiful than Monday, there were more people there to look for them.  I most enjoyed chatting with a couple from Duluth, my favorite town in Minnesota.  We shared experiences along the north shore of Lake Superior, a good area for both bird and landscape photography.  Also, I had a good friend who lived his retirement in that area until he passed away a couple years ago.  A great wildlife photographer, it was fun to walk with him in his forest and watch the birds and squirrels come to him for food.  One little Nuthatch would go into Dave's pocket and help himself to the seed that was there. Turkey Pyrrhuloxia (F) Lesser Goldfinch (M) Lesser Goldfinch (F) Broad-billed (M) Anna's (M) House Finch (F) Pine Siskin White-winged Dove Br...

Ash Canyon - February 1, 2025

 It's hard to believe, but I didn't go birding for the entire month of January, partly due to our colder weather and partly because I had a bout with tonsillitis.  Anyway, I'm feeling much better and the weather has improved, so I made my first outing of 2025.  We had a nice group at the sanctuary this day, including a couple from Nova Scotia.  Since I've made a couple trips there, we had some things to talk about.  One of the fun things about Sierra Vista is the number of birders who visit from afar to see our birds.   Acorn Woodpecker (F) Lesser Goldfinch (F) Lesser Goldfinch (M) White-crowned Sparrow Yellow-rumped Warbler House Finch (M) House Finch (F) White--winged Dove Orange-crowned Warbler Bewick's Wren Bridled Titmouse Lincoln's Sparrow Bush Tit Curve-billed Thrasher Pyrrhuloxia (M) Canyon Towhee Verdin Pine Siskin Anna's (M)