
Showing posts from December, 2024

Ash Canyon - December 21, 2024

 For various reasons I had not been birding for quite a while.  Unfortunately, my return was not the greatest success.  While there were lots of birds, there just weren't that many bird species at the sanctuary this day.  Also, no unusual species made an appearance, just the regulars. I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas. Acorn Woodpecker (M) Acorn Woodpecker (F) Yellow-rumped Warbler Pine Siskin Coues Whitetail White-crowned Sparrow & House Finch (M) Chipping Sparrow Ladder-backed Woodpecker (M) Broad-tailed (F) Curve-billed Thrasher Lesser Goldfinch (F) Bridled Titmouse

Ash Canyon - December 9, 2024

 A nice little group of birders was present this day, mainly because Tim had posted the Painted Bunting on eBird.  People were there to see her, and we did.  A Cactus Wren showed up, not a frequent visitor here.  Tim thought he heard a Montezuma Quail , but we never saw one.  A Broad-tailed Hummingbird surprised everyone, since they should have migrated by now. Most of the regulars were there in large numbers.  On my way out, a Coyote crossed the road about 200 yards ahead.  By the time I reached that area, he was deep in the weeds, so my photo is not very good. Yellow-rumped Warbler Painted Bunting (F) Curve-billed Thrasher Coues White-tail Pyrrhuloxia (F) Pyrrhuloxia (M) Lesser Goldfinch (M) Chipping Sparrow House Finch (M) House Finch (F) Broad-tailed (M) Orange-crowned Warbler White-crowned Sparrow Cactus Wren Coyote

Ash Canyon - December 6, 2024

 When I arrived at the sanctuary, I could see I was the only visitor there and the volunteers had not yet arrived.  Tim, the caretaker, was on hand, so we sat and brought each other up to date.  Tim mentioned that a Painted Bunting had been coming for the past couple days, unusual for this time of year.  It wasn't long before the female Bunting dropped in for a visit and a few photos.  I was wishing she would bring her mate, since males are much more colorful, but it wasn't to be. Pine Siskin Phainopepla (F) Yellow-rumped Warbler White-crowned Sparrow (J) White-crowned Sparrow Orange-crowned Warbler House Finch (M) Bewick's Wren Canyon Towhee Acorn Woodpecker (M) Chipping Sparrow Bridled Titmouse Painted Bunting Mexican Jay House Finch (F) Mourning Dove White-winged Dove  

Ash Canyon - December 2, 2024

 It as a quiet day at the bird sanctuary, in terms of both people and birds.  I chatted with the volunteers, of course, which I always enjoy.  For the most part, the birds were the regular visitors.  The main event, for me, was the arrival of a female Phainopepla, no doubt the same one that's been  coming by recently.  This time she stayed longer and graced us with many nice poses. Yellow-rumped Warbler Mourning Dove White-winged Dove Mexican Jay Lesser Goldfinch (M & F) Lesser Goldfinch (F) House Finch (M) Acorn Woodpecker (M) Phainopepla (F) Phainopepla (F) Phainopepla (F) Pyrrhuloxia (F) White-crowned Sparrow Lark Sparrow Curve-billed Thrasher