Ash Canyon - October 21, 2024

After a ten day hiatus, I finally made it back to my favorite birding location. The weather here has been very nice, and it felt good to be back in Ash Canyon. Chatting with others there added to my enjoyment, as did a good selection of birds. White-breasted Nuthatch Chipping Sparrow Acorn Woodpecker (F) Common Ground Dove Mexican Jay Yellow-rumped Warbler White-crowned Sparrow Lawrence's Goldfinch (F) House Finch (M) House Finch (F) Lesser Goldfinch (F) Lesser Goldfinch (M) Anna's (M) Curve-billed Thrasher Pyrrhuloxia (F) Yellow-breasted Chat Northern Flicker (M) Coues Whitetail (F) Phainopepla (F) Rock Squirrel Bridled Titmouse Young Javelinas Gila Woodpecker (F)