Ash Canyon - August 23, 2024

Before getting to the Ash Canyon visit, I'll post a couple thunderstorm photos from somewhere around Tombstone. We've had one or two of those closer to home, but they were at night and I didn't bother to get up for them. Ash Canyon is still swarming with Hummingbirds and people from near and far to see them. On this visit, the star attraction was a female Allen's who posed very nicely for me. Allen's (F) Allen's (F) Anna's (M) Anna's (M) Anna's (J) Fiddle Leaf Plumeria Gulf Fritillary Broad-billed (M) Broad-billed (M) Rufous (J) Rufous (J) Lucifer (M) Lucifer (M) Black-chinned (F) Black-chinned (M) House Finch (J) House Finch (J) Curve-billed Thrasher