
Showing posts from May, 2024

Sierra Vista & Ash Canyon, AZ - May 24-28, 2024

 The yellow blooms on my back yard palo verde tree attract a variety of birds.  Unfortunately, the blooms and leaves are so thick, the birds hide without even trying.  On top of that, I have to shoot through the window, avoiding the blinds.  All this to say, my results aren't very good.  However, I have a few to share. House Finch (F) Lesser Goldfinch (F) House Sparrow (F) Verdin My latest visit to Ash Canyon started slowly, but gradually picked up.  The highlight was the first Blue Grosbeak I've seen this year. Bronzed Cowbird (M) Anna's (F) Black-headed Grosbeak (M) Black-headed Grosbeak (F) Blue Grosbeak (M) Blue Grosbeak (M) House Finch (M) House Finch (F) Scott's Oriole (F) Ladder-backed Woodpecker (M) Western Tanager (M)   All of our Orioles enjoy oranges, but they really prefer the jelly. Bullock's Oriole (M) Bullock's Oriole (M) In addition to birds, I encountered two lizard species. Western Striped Lizard Spiny Lizard

Ash Canyon - May 22, 2024

 It was a quiet day in the canyon, with very few people and not many birds during my time there.  The Grosbeaks were plentiful and were over-represented in my photos.  One hummer hovered a lot for me, I think it was a female Anna's.  Its markings are a little inconsistent for that species, but I can't think of another species in our area that would be a better fit. House Finch (M) House Finch (F) Brown-headed Cowbird (M) Brown-headed Cowbird (F) Black-headed Grosbeak (M) Black-headed Grosbeak (F) Black-headed Grosbeak (F) Anna's This is the bird that I'm unsure of.  Maybe you can see some of the different markings that are a little confusing. Lesser Goldfinch (M) Lesser Goldfinch (F) Gila Woodpecker (F)

Ash Canyon - May 17, 2024

 It was a beautiful morning in the canyon, but nothing new or exciting as far as the birds go.  In truth, I spent more time socializing than chasing birds.  Consequently, my collection is smaller than normal and has just the usual birds seen recently.  Still, I hope you enjoy them. Acorn Woodpecker Acorn Woodpecker Bridled Titmouse Bridled Titmouse Ladder-backed Woodpecker Black-headed Grosbeak (M) Black-headed Grosbeak (M) Black-headed Grosbeak (F) Black-headed Grosbeak (F) Spiny Lizard Bullock's Oriole (M) Bullock's Oriole (F) Lazuli Bunting (F) Gila Woodpecker (M) House Finch (M) House Finch (M)

Ash Canyon - May 10, 2024

 For some reason, the crowds that had been flooding the sanctuary weren't present this morning, and I enjoyed the relative quiet for a change.  Maybe the Lucifer has stopped coming around, I don't know as I wasn't really looking for it.  Many of the recent colorful birds were still hanging around, so I enjoyed that.  I suspect some will be moving on soon, and others will take their place.  Of course, if I take a summer trip, I'll miss out on some birds, but should see others in my travels. Spotted Towhee (M) Lark Sparrow House Finch (M) Acorn woodpecker Lesser Goldfinch (M) Bullock's Oriole (M) Brown-headed Cowbird (M) Brown-headed Cowbird (F) Curve-billed Thrasher Canyon Towhee Western Tanager (M) Black-headed Grosbeak (M) Black-headed Grosbeak (F) Northern Cardinal (M) Spiny Lizard Rock Squirrel Broad-billed Hummingbird (M)