
Showing posts from June, 2023

San Pedro House - April, 2023

 Several species arrived around this time, including one I had never seen before (Lark Sparrow).   Red-winged Blackbird (F) Red-winged Blackbird (M) Pocket Gopher Lark Sparrow Gila Woodpecker (M) Hooded Oriole (M) White-crowned Sparrow (M) House Finch (M) House Sparrow (M) Northern Cardinal (M) Northern Cardinal (F) Pyrrhuloxia (M) Black-chinned Hummingbird (F) Black-chinned Hummingbird (M)  

Sonoita, Madera Canyon & Hereford - April, 2023

 I described Sonoita and Madera Canyon in earlier posts, but have barely mentioned Hereford before now.  An unincorporated area south of Sierra Vista, Hereford has a population of about 9000 people.  Most folks buy or build here to get larger lots than they might find (or can afford) in Sierra Vista, or to have the freedom that comes without city restrictions.  Some build large, elaborate homes, while others have more modest accommodations.  Some have beautiful landscaping, others decorate with post-modern junk.  All have great views of the Huachuca Mountains. One of Hereford's neighborhoods built by developers has a Wildlife Sanctuary that was thoughtfully left undisturbed when the area was laid out.  I've had good luck spotting birds there, and sometimes larger wildlife Canyon Towhee Horned Lark Chihuahuan Meadowlark Western Kingbird Mourning Dove Black-chinned Hummingbird Broad-billed Hummingbird Pair Broad-billed Hummingbird Pair Broad-billed Hummi...

Ash Canyon - April, 2023

 Recovering from my March surgery, I managed multiple visits to the Ash Canyon Bird Sanctuary in April.  Several new species appeared this month, along with many old standbys.  In particular, the hummingbirds presented a better variety, including some I had not seen before.  In the turkey vulture photo, notice the many holes put there by the acorn woodpeckers. Yellow-rumped Warbler Turkey Vulture Scott's Oriole (M) Scott's Oriole (F) Bewick's Wren Pine Siskin Lesser Goldfinch (F) Lazuli Bunting (F) Lesser Goldfinch (M) Golden-crowned Sparrow (M) Broad-billed Hummingbird (M) Costa's Hummingbird (M) Calliope Hummingbird (M) Rock Squirrel Calliope Hummingbird (F)